Russian Apocalypse: the tragedy of the last Romanovs

by Peter Warwick

Thursday 23 February 2017

The lecture describes the collapse of Tsarist Russia and focuses on the life and murder of Nicholas II and his family; a story told in part through the innocent perspective of his teenage daughters, the Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia, and his young son, Tsarevitch Alexei. Using contemporary photographs and paintings it features the Romanov dynasty, the Russian Revolution and the ghastly end.

Peter Warwick is an author, historian, NADFAS lecturer and organiser of high-profile commemorative events.  He chairs three organisations: The 1805 Club, which conserves the graves, monuments and memorials of the sailing navy of the Georgian era; The New Waterloo Dispatch, which arranged 21 ceremonial events in 2015 commemorating the bicentenary of the Battle of Waterloo and is now developing the legacy of Waterloo based on a celebration of the Idea that is Europe; and Thames Alive, which staged the Magna Carta 800 River Relay at Runnymede, and in 2012 organised the manpowered squadron of The Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant and the London 2012 Thames Olympic Torch Relay. Peter is a founder and trustee of The Queen’s Row Barge Gloriana. 

More Upcoming Talks

Talks are held in the Digby Hall, Hound Street, Sherborne, starting at 8pm.

Complimentary tea and coffee are available from 7.15pm.

27 Sep

China, the Modern Nation

by Jane Macartney

Tuesday 27 September 2016
In the 20th century few countries experienced such dramatic political, social and cultural change as China. The recently retired China Foreign Correspondent for The Times is well placed to offer an exciting new account of its recent history.
11 Oct

Without Let or Hindrance: the story of passports

by Martin Lloyd

Tuesday 11 October 2016
The evolution of an indispensable, if sometimes taken-for-granted, document.