Names and the Search for Order in the Natural World

by Anna Pavord

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Anna Pavord, one of the most distinguished writers on gardens today, admired for her meticulous research and knowledge of plants, garden history and design, follows up the theme of her recent book “The Naming of Names”, which is a history of the search for order in the world of plants. The story begins in Athens in the era of Aristotle. An earlier best seller was “The Tulip”. Anna recently received the Gold Veitch medal from the RHS. She is a member of English Heritage Parks and Gardens Panel and for the last five years has been Chairman of the National Trusts Garden Panel

More Upcoming Talks

Talks are held in the Digby Hall, Hound Street, Sherborne, starting at 8pm.

Complimentary tea and coffee are available from 7.15pm.

29 Sep

A Great and Glorious Victory: Nelson and Trafalgar

by Peter Warwick

Tuesday 29 September 2009
Peter is chairman of The 1805 Club, a charity whose object is the restoration and maintenance of graves, monuments, memorials of the Georgian sailing navy.
13 Oct

William Beckford and his Tower in Bath

by Amy Frost

Tuesday 13 October 2009
Amy Frost has been Curator of Beckfords Tower and Museum in Bath since 2002.