Julius Caesar and the Fall of the Roman Republic

by Adrian Goldsworthy

Thursday 4 March 2010

Dr Adrian Goldsworthy.

Acclaimed author of ‘Roman Warfare’. ‘Caesar. The Life of a Colossus’ and ‘The Death of the Roman Superpower’, Dr Goldsworthy appears regularly on TV and Radio. Formerly Assistant Professor at the University of Notre-Dame, he lectures at Birkbeck, Kings College (London), Yale and Berkeley. One of a new generation of classical scholars.

More Upcoming Talks

Talks are held in the Digby Hall, Hound Street, Sherborne, starting at 8pm.

Complimentary tea and coffee are available from 7.15pm.

29 Sep

A Great and Glorious Victory: Nelson and Trafalgar

by Peter Warwick

Tuesday 29 September 2009
Peter is chairman of The 1805 Club, a charity whose object is the restoration and maintenance of graves, monuments, memorials of the Georgian sailing navy.
13 Oct

William Beckford and his Tower in Bath

by Amy Frost

Tuesday 13 October 2009
Amy Frost has been Curator of Beckfords Tower and Museum in Bath since 2002.