Dorset Heroines

by David Beaton

Tuesday 27 October 2015

This talk tells the stories of some of the remarkable women who came from Dorset or who lived in the county. They include the 7th century Saint Judith, beheaded in Halstock, and the 8th century Saint Walburga, who became Abbess of Heidenheim monastery in Germany, built by her brothers as part of St Boniface’s mission to the Germans. Mary Anning, the 19th century fossil seller from Lyme Regis and honorary member of the Geological Society, is another, as is Marie Stopes (photo), who lived in the old lighthouse at Portland Bill. A scientist, she introduced the concept of family planning to a scandalised public with her 1918 book Married Love.

David Beaton is an author who has lived in Dorset for many years. His first book, Dorset Maps, was published in 2001, followed by Dorset’s Forgotten Heroes in 2005.

More Upcoming Talks

Talks are held in the Digby Hall, Hound Street, Sherborne, starting at 8pm.

Complimentary tea and coffee are available from 7.15pm.

22 Sep

The Modern History of the Castle

by Christopher Moule

Tuesday 22 September 2015
This illustrated lecture will explore the uses (and abuses) of castles from the close of the medieval period until modern times.
13 Oct

The History of Gunpowder

by Dr Brenda Buchanan

Tuesday 13 October 2015
A wide-ranging illustrated talk from the editor of the two-volume collection of articles Gunpowder: The History of an International Technology.